How to use teamviewer to control your tablet
How to use teamviewer to control your tablet

You simply need to be logged in to your account. Teamviewer is a computer software used to remote control desktop sharing, online meetings, web conferencing and even file transfer from computer to computer. In order to make a start with teamviewer's remote control functions, navigate to the remote control tab of the main interface. Use teamviewer (remote computer access tool) time needed: Since our internet connection is quite slow, i want make sure to use the lan to connect local pcs by using the local ip address, but in that the teamviewer password is mandatory and seems to change automatically each time after rebooting the target pc. You might consider using Wi-Fi on your iPad when accessing AirVideo, as it hogs data usage.How To Access Another Computer With Teamviewer : How To Remotely Access Another Computer From Your Computer - This video shows you how to connect as administrator to another computer using teamviewer 15.remote desktop connectionhow to remotely connect device using wi. Tip: Make sure your iPad and computer are connected to the Internet. Launch it, hit the plus sign, and select "Enter server PIN." Enter the PIN (from the "Remote" tab on your desktop" and enjoy instant access to your media. On Windows press "Start server," and on Mac turn it to "On" (at the top). Step 3: Go to "Settings" and check "require password." Make sure you set a strong one using numbers and letters.

how to use teamviewer to control your tablet

Step 2: Head to the "Remote" tab and check "Enable access from Internet." Also check "Automatically map port." Make note of the PIN you'll be using it shortly. Don't worry about the file types-AirVideo will do on-the-fly conversion. Once installed, launch the program and add folders you want to access from your iPad. Step 1: Go to, head to "Downloads," and download AirVideo.

how to use teamviewer to control your tablet

You might consider using Wi-Fi on your iPad when accessing TeamViewer, as it hogs data usage.

how to use teamviewer to control your tablet

Launch it, and enter the ID and password of the computer you want to control (from step 1).

how to use teamviewer to control your tablet

Step 2: Download TeamViewer (free) on your iPad. Upon launching it, you'll see an ID and password-hang onto it. Step 1: Go to and download and install the program on your computer. TeamViewer (remotely control your desktop)

How to use teamviewer to control your tablet